Background and Rationale
The Youth are the most populous the world has ever had and so investing in them is
absolutely paramount. Uganda has the world’s youngest population with over 78
percent of its population below the age of 30.
In the Uganda Orthodox Church, the youth are an integral part of Church Ministry and
they are living in an interconnected world transformed by technological advances. They
are at the forefront in claiming space as stakeholders in the development process that
affects them and their Church.
Over the past decades, there has been a growing recognition of the youth’s participation
in different Church activities. Mother Church realized that young people are powerful
agents of change who, if supported and empowered, can drive the achievement of the
Church goals and hence benefit from and contribute to rapid developments to ensure
inclusive growth in different spheres.
The Youth have over the years participated in various initiatives in order to improve their
contribution towards the sustainability agenda of themselves and the Church at large.
These initiatives vary from piggery projects, Village Saving and Loan Associations,
opening up a parking at the police, raising awareness, engaging more youth and taking
actions among others.
At present, only a few mechanisms exist to bring many of these youth in the Orthodox
Church to one location so as to network with each other and build synergy in their
projects. In today’s context, many youth events and conferences are being hosted
Nationally by OCYNU but there have been very few initiatives to engage those youth
participants with the grassroots local communities and provide long lasting solutions to
their challenges.
So, because of the critical role they play and as “custodians of the future”, it is pertinent
at this moment to revamp the lost glory of the Youth by organizing a brain storming
session for the Leaders of the Youth groups at Parish level to rethink the direction of the
Youth movement in the Mother Church. This will serve as an opportunity to showcase
the direct contributions of youth towards sustainability and development of the Church.

Youth to participate in this meeting will be between 18-35 years as per the Uganda National Youth Policy
Theme for the conference.
Watch, stand firm in Faith, be strong. do all your works in love “1Corintians 16:13—15”
Focus Areas/group
1. Provide an opportunity for two youth leaders (One male and 1 female) from each
Parish in Kampala Metropolis in the Uganda Orthodox Church to network and
brainstorm action plans for the sustainable future of the Youth Movement.
2. Identify challenges in the youth movement in Uganda Orthodox Church and provide
innovative, inclusive and sustainable solutions through youth voice and social
1. To improve the young people’s understanding of Mother Church and their roles in
sustainability and development of the same.
2. To facilitate increased cooperation among young people in different Parishes
through cross cultural dialogues, networking and partnerships
3. To identify opportunities for inclusion of young people in decision-making and
implementation of Church Programs.
4. To raise awareness on the new Challenges facing the Youth movement in Uganda
and devise practical solutions to deal with the same.
Selection Criteria
The youth will be selected from their respective Parishes and in this regard, the Parish
Priests will play an important role in the process. Two Youth (1 male and 1 female) will
be selected from the 40 Parishes within the Kampala Metropolis. So, a total of 80 Youth
participants are expected to attend.
a) Awareness raising; This component will consist of a 2-day residential workshop
aiming at achieving the following objectives,
 Improve the self-awareness of the participants – provide spaces to have
necessary conversations and self-assessments, in order for youth to discover
their full-potential
 Understand the context – Participants will be able to understand the role of
youth in the Church, and also the context of the challenges faced by the local
communities in achieving sustainability and development
 To provide some solutions to the challenges in their communities

Youth to participate in this meeting will be between 18-35 years as per the Uganda National Youth Policy
 Team building and networking – Provide opportunities for youth from various
Parishes to work in teams and network with each other to build a community
of young leaders for sustainable development of the Mother Church.
b) Brain storming and discussions; This component will involve creating space for
the participants to further reflect on the journey of the Youth Movement in the
Orthodox Church highlighting the success stories and the challenges faced as
well as the Most Significant Stories.
1. 80 Youth leaders empowered to take actions geared towards revitalizing Youth
activities in their Parishes.
2. Virtual platform to maintain the interaction between the Youth leaders from different
Parishes created.
3. Documented highlights of the initiatives that Youth wish to engage in for increased
Time line.
This activity is scheduled for 30 th January to 2 nd Feb, 2024. Secondly, this activity will
require to outsource a youth coach who will address the Youth about the current
Christian trends in the youth movement.
Tentative agenda items for the workshop
– Opening devotion
– Introductions
– Fears and expectations
– Reflections on the theme
– Key note address by His Eminence Metropolitan Jeronymos Muzeei
– Walking down the Youth Ministry Memory Lane
– Orthodox Church perspective on Youth Ministry
– Current wave within the Youth Movement and Church Intervention
– Behavior and life style of the Youth
– Youth and development in the Orthodox Church
– Official closure by His Eminence Metropolitan Jeronymos Muzeei
– Closing prayer

Budgetary Implication.
It is anticipated that this activity will take the arrangement of cost sharing. The
Participants through their Parish Priests will be expected to contribute towards this
activity for effective handling of all the logistical issues for the activity.

Youth to participate in this meeting will be between 18-35 years as per the Uganda National Youth Policy
Below is the tentative detailed budget.
Particulars Unit Unit cost Total Cost
– Note Pads 80 500 40,000
– Pens 80 500 40,000
– Flip charts 1 20,000 20,000
– Masking tapes 1 3,000 3,000
– Note stickers 1 1,000 1,000
Sub Total 103,000
Meals and refreshment
– Breakfast 80 5,000 400,000
– Lunch 80 7,000 560,000
– Supper 80 7,000 560,000
– Water/soda 6 boxes 20,000 120,000
Sub total 1,640,000
Note: This subtotal will be multiplied by 2 since the workshop will be 2 days.
Dinner on arrival day 80 7,000 560,000
Water/soda 3 boxes 20,000 60,000
Sub total 620,000
Transport for
– To the venue 80 15,000 1,200,000
– From the venue 80 15,000 1,200,000
Sub total 2,400,000
Hire of beddings and
– Blankets 80 3,000 240,000
– Mattresses 80 5,000 400,000
Sub total 640,000
Facilitation for Youth

1 250,000 250,000
Miscellaneous 1 300,000 200,000
Sub total 450,000
Grand Total 7,493,000
Youth day celebration (2 nd Feb, 2023)
Lunch 120pple 10,000 1,200,000
Public address system Once 250,000 250,000
Decoration Once 100,000 100,000
Tents 3 80,000 240,000
Chairs 100 500 50,000

Youth to participate in this meeting will be between 18-35 years as per the Uganda National Youth Policy
Grand total 1,840,000
Overall total for both the conference and the Youth Day celebration.9,333,000